Benefits of RosemaryRosemary offers many benefits to you and it ranges from healing skin conditions to improving mental clarity. Not only does it have vitamin C to help with the collagen in your body, but potassium that helps control blood pressure and heart rate.

People use it for a wide variety of ways to help them heal. Here are 10 ways that Rosemary will help:

  • Improves mood
  • Decreases stress levels
  • Helps chronic anxiety
  • Relieves pain
  • Protects your immune system
  • Soothes the stomach
  • Helps with headaches and migraines
  • Good for digestive problems such as heart burn
  • Detoxes the body
  • Heals some skin conditions

Rosemary is able to reduce the cortisol levels in your body. This helps decreases the level of stress that you experience. Not only that, but it helps create a positive mood.

You’ll find that it helps with a ton of different digestive issues. You can also use it for heart burn. It’ll help sooth it.

Plus it’ll sooth an upset stomach, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. Using rosemary will help you regulate your bowel movements.

It is also a diuretic which means that it’ll help get rid of toxins in your body. So you can use Rosemary to detox or cleanse out your system.

There are methods that Rosemary can be used and each one will produce different results. You can crush up the Rosemary and make it in a salve. This helps with pain. So if you’ve got a headache then you can rub the salve on your forehead or temples.

You can use Rosemary in your cooking or food. This works really well for a seasoning. Add it to soups, omelets or meats such as fish.

Then there is the aroma of Rosemary that can help you remember. In fact it can increase your memory by 75%. You’ll find that it helps your alertness and can prevent your brain from aging. Even Hamlet has mentioned this herb as a remembering agent.

Rosemary has a ton of vitamins in it such as antioxidant vitamins that help with the collagen synthesis in your body. This will help with skin, organs, bones and blood vessels.

Plus it has vitamins such as copper, iron, calcium and potassium. The potassium helps control your heart rate and blood pressure.

Rosemary has antiseptic qualities to it. So it can help with respiratory problems such as colds, allergies, the flu and sore throats. Use the essential oils can give relief to congestion.

As you can see Rosemary offers tons of health benefits for you and is easy to get. You can use salves, essential oils, herb plants, dried herbs and cooking oil with Rosemary. Any of these forms will help you.